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Implementing Date type in GraphQL

Published: at 05:55 PM (3 min read)

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Scalar types in GraphQL

GraphQL is a powerful query language which comes with a full-fledged type system, enforcing the precision that distinguishes it from REST and improves on some of its problems. However, GraphQL doesn’t natively support date types. Scalar types — which we can think of as the primitive types of most programming languages — only support numbers, strings, booleans and a special ID type.

Instead, developers are invited to define their own custom scalar types in order to manage their implementation as they wish. Let’s suppose you want to add a simple Date type to your schema that works in a similar way to JavaScript’s Date object — which represents a single moment in time. What you’d need to do is to:

  1. Define the custom type in your GraphQL schema;
  2. Tell your GraphQL server how to resolve values of the given type.

Date type implementation

Defining a custom scalar type in GraphQL Schema Language is straightforward:

scalar Date

From this moment on, you may use the type inside other definitions:

scalar Date

type Post {
  title: String!
  description: String
  publishedAt: Date # is now valid

As for the type’s actual resolution, the needed steps may vary according to the GraphQL’s own implementation you’re using, but a value’s resolution mainly consists of:

Working example

For a real example, let’s consider Apollo as the GraphQL service, a node.js server-side app, and a MongoDB database able to directly work with JavaScript’s native Date type. The serialization is done in JSON format.

We could do something like this:

import { GraphQLScalarType } from "graphql";
import { Kind } from "graphql/language";

const resolvers = {
  // ...other resolvers
  Date: new GraphQLScalarType({
    name: "Date",
    description: "A ISO 8601 compliant datetime value",
    parseValue(value) {
      return new Date(value); // from incoming JSON string to node.js Date object
    parseLiteral(ast) { // abstract syntax tree of query string, see explanation below
      if (ast.kind !== Kind.STRING) {
        return null; // should be an error, handle as you please
      const { value } = ast;
      return new Date(value);
    serialize(value) {
      return value.toISOString(); // from node.js Date object to outgoing JSON string

To favor readability, this implementation works with ISO strings rather than integer values counting from Unix epoch as some examples online do instead. This is subject to you or your team’s preference, as the only thing that matters is the conversion of the value between one suitable to the serialization data format you’re using — in this case JSON — and the application’s “working” representation. For a node.js app ultimately interacting with MongoDB, using JavaScript’s own Date type as working format is a valid choice.

You may have noticed that, in the above code snippet, there are two functions dealing with parsing: parseValue and parseLiteral. This is because Apollo calls parse value when resolving the custom scalar from an argument variable; parse literal is called when dealing with a value hard-coded directly into a query — quite common if your app doesn’t rely on GraphQL variables and builds queries and mutations internally. See Apollo Docs for more info.

For an advanced, complete implementation of Date, DateTime etc. see graphql-scalars by The Guild, which provides advanced parsing and error handling.